Before you enter the 2024 Cherry Blossom Prediction Competition, ensure that you follow the instructions and guidelines for a complete entry.

If you worked in a team, provide the full name of the corresponding team member. Your name is required.
Email address of the corresponding team member. A valid email address is required.
If you worked in a team, provide the names of all team members.
Which of the following descriptions apply to you and your team members?
Select at least one description.
CSV file with predictions for all five locations for 2024. The file must be in the format specified in the competition guidelines. A CSV file with predictions in the correct format is required.
Narrative in PDF format (max. 3 MiB). A narrative in PDF format is required.
The repository must contain the fully reproducible analysis code as Quarto document and be publicly accessible. A valid URL to a Git repository is required.
When submitting an entry for consideration in the Cherry Blossom Peak Bloom prediction competition, you agree to the competition guidelines. You agree that your entry may be hosted on the competition website and promoted by the George Mason University Department of Statistics.
You must agree to the competition rules.